September 2023 Newsletter
Greetings, CRRC’ers Given some crazy recent (and upcoming) weather, I hope this humble missive finds you well and heading into a happy (and ideally flight-filled) Fall!
The CRRC publishes monthly newsletters covering a range of topics related to the club, in addition to informational articles. This is where to find information on what the club has been up to with recent events and their results and upcoming events. Members will often write articles to share information about builds or RC related topics that readers might find useful.
Greetings, CRRC’ers Given some crazy recent (and upcoming) weather, I hope this humble missive finds you well and heading into a happy (and ideally flight-filled) Fall!
Greetings, CRRC’ers I hope you will enjoy the attached Newsletter for August - it’s a bit of a big file, but I hope you’ll find that deserved given the pictures I’ve been able to pack in, largely from the ALES event a couple of weekends ago. You’ll also find important …
Greetings, CRRC’ers Please accept a quick note in email this time, as President Mike is away and asked me to substitute-author the address in the newsletter. While I hope you’ll enjoy that and some nice photos from the July 4th Demonstration Day inside, I will include a …
Greetings, CRRC’ers! Please find the June newsletter attached, and thanks to David Spielman for a nice article with pictures documenting a recent (and significant) repair project! Also Mike Whidden and John Eppling for additional pictures.
Greetings, CRRC’ers! I hope you’ll enjoy the attached May newsletter. It comes with a timely reminder that this month’s meeting will be on TUESDAY, May 16th, due to a schedule conflict for the meeting room at Goodnow Library. And get ready for at-field meetings starting …