Greetings CRRC Members
Please also note that our club meeting is this Wednesday, February 12th, at 7:30 pm at Goodnow Library.
Please plan to attend. We have a speaker this month. Steve Bakke will be talking to us about IMAC competition flying.
Steve’s been flying RC since 1999 when he built a plane while recovering from knee surgery. He’s a member of Central Mass RC Modelers as well as Quinapoxet Model Flying Club. After having kids, he took a few years off and then returned in 2012 and has been obsessed ever since. Steve’s been an at-large board member of CMRCM for several years and is one of the club flight instructors. In the last few years, he’s also been part of the AMA District 1 Outreach team. In 2018, he flew my first IMAC contests after somebody in his club said “Hey, give it a try. I’m signing up!”. At the time, Steve liked to practice aerobatic maneuvers and had even dabbled in flying a Sportsman IMAC sequence. After a few years, he’d CD’d his first contest at Plum Island and has now become the IMAC Northeast Regional director. He hopes to make it to Nats to compete some day. (Maybe next year!)