Mark Drela - October 21, 2000 For those wanting to make their own pod mold, you might consider turning the basic shape on a metal-turning lathe. That's how I did mine, and it was far easier, faster, and more accurate than whittling the shape by hand with templates. It is the lathe analog of the "template-free" sanding method described on the CRRC Apogee page. But the lathe tool bit is used instead of the sanding block, so it's much easier. There are no curves to hand sand, just simple-curve wing deck which is best done with a belt sander. This is the procedure: 1) The wood block is two halves lightly spot-glued together with Ambroid, with the chuck rod sandwiched between them and sticking out the back. 2) The block is turned to a cylinder the same size as the outermost diameter of the pod (1.72"). 3) The pod is then shaped by machining off cones of material. The cone angles and positions are set up to be tangent to the pod shape surface. 4) The remaining slight corners are then sanded off by eye and the whole thing is finish-sanded on the lathe. It takes less than 2 hrs of work up to this point, starting with raw lumber. 5) Separate the mold halves by wicking a lot of acetone into the joint, and putting the pod into a Ziploc bag with some more acetone squirted in to give it time to dissolve the Ambroid. Go for lunch and the halves should fall apart when you return. 6) Bandsaw in the wing deck shape into each half, and sand to final shape with the edge of belt sander, if available. 7) The A-Lite pod shape also has the upper half over the hatch area tilted by about 0.25" at the wing leading edge. I did this by putting in a horizontal wedge of wood at the z=0 waterline. The wedge's point is about 1.375" back from the nose (at the spinner base of the electric version), and the wedge's 0.25" base is about 6" back from the nose. To free the part of the plug above the wedge, I made the crosscuts with a razor saw, and the rip cuts with an X-acto with the point broken off a bit. 8) The halves are taped together where possible. The vertical walls just under the wing are built up with a microbaloon/epoxy paste, with vertical shiny tape-covered balsa planks pressed against the sides to set the vertical wall shape. 9) The extra wood and microballoon build-up is sanded to the final shape of the wing deck. Round off all corners slightly for a better layup. 10) The halves are very lighly tacked together near the edge for putting on the finish. I used four thin West 105/205 coats, waiting for jelling between coats. 11) The plug is split again, and the halves are RTV'd down on Plexiglass for the mold build-up. I added a half-rod shape on each half for the tailboom channel. On the A-Lite this is angled down by 1 degree, but with the flying stab it really doesn't have to be. For the record, below are the coordinates of the basic pod shape, in inches. Plot like any airfoil. Allegro fuselage 14.731470 0.250000 14.297490 0.307644 14.108469 0.332751 13.735859 0.380746 13.300978 0.434408 12.847121 0.488696 12.392019 0.541616 11.940777 0.591091 11.493261 0.635403 11.046713 0.673862 10.598965 0.706708 10.148935 0.734529 9.696363 0.758036 9.241480 0.777884 8.784513 0.794665 8.325661 0.808931 7.865219 0.821179 7.403608 0.831837 6.941461 0.841169 6.479687 0.849176 6.019036 0.855586 5.559897 0.859943 5.102450 0.861730 4.646736 0.860427 4.192564 0.855531 3.739969 0.846677 3.290033 0.833479 2.845440 0.815217 2.411125 0.790438 1.993749 0.756547 1.600530 0.710201 1.237052 0.647624 0.911963 0.570529 0.646387 0.488966 0.448524 0.411913 0.306388 0.341494 0.203808 0.275422 0.128245 0.213878 0.071414 0.157861 0.030875 0.104593 0.007390 0.051469 0.000114 0.000059 0.007522 -0.051371 0.031158 -0.104494 0.071851 -0.157752 0.128837 -0.213779 0.204604 -0.275330 0.307473 -0.341386 0.450017 -0.411781 0.648427 -0.488797 0.914596 -0.570247 1.240131 -0.647123 1.603922 -0.709416 1.997410 -0.755493 2.414993 -0.789141 2.849457 -0.813704 3.294152 -0.831772 3.744161 -0.844794 4.196815 -0.853487 4.651041 -0.858237 5.106813 -0.859408 5.564314 -0.857506 6.023505 -0.853049 6.484202 -0.846555 6.946014 -0.838477 7.408201 -0.829088 7.869849 -0.818386 8.330330 -0.806105 8.789223 -0.791819 9.246225 -0.775028 9.701146 -0.755181 10.153762 -0.731689 10.603830 -0.703892 11.051622 -0.671084 11.498213 -0.632673 11.945779 -0.588422 12.397074 -0.539022 12.852226 -0.486191 13.306129 -0.432004 13.741055 -0.378449 14.113694 -0.330555 14.302728 -0.305503 14.731470 -0.250000