Measured boom deflection on M.Drela's Allegro-Lite (Oct 28, 2000): * Fuselage is clamped down onto its wing platform. * 2 lb weight is suspended from stab mount. * Boom deflection at stab mount is 0.56 inches. Checking stiffness of new boom: * Clamp about 3" of big end of boom down to edge of table, using wood blocks with slightly oversize half-holes. Wrap tape around boom at x=0" and x=3" to snugly fit the hole. * Hang about 2 lbs of weight 24" from edge of wood (at x=27"). * Deflection at load point should be 0.28"/lb weight. * If deflection is less than this, re-mount with less boom being cantilevered, until deflection is 0.28"/lb. * Excess big end protruding from other end of block can be trimmed for a lighter boom (but make sure the remainder is long enough!)