I shared this tip with a fellow flyer yesterday, I have been doing it for years, he tried it and was thrilled. Maybe it will help others.
Need to cut out balsa or plywood parts?
Want smooth cuts?
- Go to a jewelry supplies shop - buy a 4" deep throat ‘jewelers’ saw. Then get a package of blades - about 40 teeth/inch.
- Cut out a piece of plywood (1/4") 4" x 8", cut a shallow V cut into the ply (about 1/2" wide and 2" deep).
- Clamp this piece of ply to your bench edge (horizontally), place the wood to be cut on it, over the V cut.
- Hold the saw vertically, sawing up and down, following the marked lines - it is just like a coping saw!
- Turn the piece being cut, as you progress - and as if by magic, SMOOTH cuts.
You can cut almost any thickness, just hold the saw blade vertically. If you need an inside cut, first drill a hole - insert the saw blade through the holes and re-attach the blade to the saw frame, and cut.
This tip is for those without a scroll saw…