Nosecones Made Easier

Warren Bolender David SmithPublished on September 1, 1998
  1. Find a balloon big enough that when you blow it up, it’s bigger than your fuselage.
  2. Blow up the balloon and push it over the nose of fuse. It helps to have somone hold on to the fuse while you push the ballon over it.
  3. Wrap the ballon/nose of fuselage with some wetted fiberglass. Cut the excess away from nose, so it won’t be clumpy there!
  4. Take several 1" strips of wetted glass and lay over front of fuse/nose, in a X pattern.
  5. Take another balloon, blow it up. have someone hold the fuse tight. push the balloon over the fuse, while letting the air out slowly.—–let cure thoroughly.

This technique is simple and it works,.. may require a little sanding when finished curing.