About Us


Published on May 22, 2023

Three simple steps to join CRRC: Be an active member of the Academy of Model Aeronautics. Lapsed AMA membership will result in suspending your CRRC membership until it is renewed. Print and complete the CRRC Application. Submit application and fee to our membership secretary. For more information, stop by one of our club meetings, visit us at the field or Contact Us July 4th 2022 Demonstration Day Why join CRRC?

CRRC Instructor Program

Published on May 22, 2023

With over 60 years of experience, believe us when we say that the best way to learn how to properly build a plane and learn how to fly is with an instructor on your side. While our members build and fly all types of aircraft, at this time our volunteer instructors mainly specialize in gliders and electric powered planes. Our instructors will: Provide FREE instruction to our new members Help you choose an appropriate trainer Provide guidance to build or assemble your plane Inspect and trim your plane for the maiden flight Teach you how to fly, including with a "

School and Science

Published on May 22, 2023

The Science Behind Flight RC Planes are Real Aircraft Aeronautical theories and principles applicable to full size and scale airplanes/helicopters are exactly the same. Learn more about what is invloved. Beginner's Guide to Aerodynamics Airplane Parts Definitions Forces on an Airplane Aircraft Rotations - Body Axes School Program Build & Fly an Airplane We provide talks, demostrations, and workshops in local area schools, to assist Physics and Science teachers with class projects related to the science behind flight.

Annual Events

Published on May 22, 2023

Our yearly event calendar is quite busy. In addition to our annual auction and small internal flying events, we also host a series of AMA sanctioned competitions and fun-flys open to other clubs and AMA registered members. Glider Competitions Drone Racing Outdoor Fun-Flys Indoor Fun-Flys Auction Glider Competitions Thermal Duration, Precision Landings, and more Co-Sponsored by the Eastern Soaring League, we host a series of glider competions. It is a relaxed, fun-oriented competition where beginners and experts from all over the North East get to meet.

Monthly Meetings

Published on May 22, 2023

General Club Meetings Every 3rd Wednesday (Jan - May and Sep - Dec) Goodnow Library, Sudbury, MA 7:30 p.m. In addition to discussing club business matters, our general monthly club meetings include a raffle, show & tell, and guest speakers. The general meetings are open to the public. We welcome visitors and guests. Come introduce yourself, ask questions, and meet others who share a passion for radio controlled models of all sorts.